The following table contains the list of books we have read. The ranking is based on a scale of “0” to “5”, where “0” is the worst and a “5” is the best. Reviews are written by members of the book club. Remember to join our club as an official member. It’s easy just contact our Book Club Coordinator at:BookClub@pmi-la.org. Our Coordinator will provide you with all the information you need to become an active member of our club.

Book Title & Book Club Report
Author Ranking
Networking for People Who Hate Networking Devora Zack 2.6
Winning Jack Welch 3.8
The Advantage - Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business Patrick Lencioni 3.60
The Innovation Secrets of Steve Job Carmino Gallo 3.40
Negotiations Brian Tracy 3.50
The One-Minute Manager Keneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson 3.70
Start with Why Simon Sinek 3.60
Lazy Project Manager Peter Taylor 3.5
A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future Daniel H. Pink 3.80
Thinking Fast and Slow Daniel Kahneman 4.20
The Art of Explanation: Making yor Ideas, Products and Services Easier to Understand Lee Lefever 2.70
The Tipping Point Malcom Gladwell 4.20
The Obstacle is the Way Ryan Holiday 3.05
The Fred Factor Mark Sanborn 3.60
Coach Wooden's Leadership Game Plan for Success John Wooden and Steve Jamison 3.15
Lead with a Story -- A Guide to Crafting Business Narratives that Captivate, Convince, and Inspire Paul Smith 3.50
The Phoenix Project Gene Kim, George, Spafford and Kevin Behr 3.76
Napoleon on Project Management Jerry Manas 3.16
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Patrick Lencioni 4.4
The Goal Eliyahu Godratt 3.05
Why Should Anyone Be Led By You Rob Goffe & Gareth Jones 4.0
Mastering the Requirements Process Suzanne Robertson and James Robertson 2.2
Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable abut Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business Patrick Lencioni 4.05
Alpha Project Managers: What the Top 2% Know that Everyone Else Does Not Know Andy Crow 3.72
Lean Project Management: Eight Principles for Success Lawrence Leach 2.70
Silos, Politics and Turf Wars Patrick Lencioni 3.87
Lazy Project Manager Peter Taylor 3.50
The Secret Language of Leadersip: How Leaders Inspire Action Through Narrative Stephen Denning 3.57
Effective Executive Grey, Brown & Macanufo 3.38
Tell to Win Peter Guber 3.00